Submission of a manuscript

  • Subject area. The problems should concern problems of the textile science and practice following the Universal Decimal Classification - UDC:
    • 33, Economics. Economic sciences.
    • 377, Special Education. Vocational education. Vocational schools.
    • 378, Higher Education / Higher Education Institutions.
    • 677, Textile Industry. Technology of textile materials.
    • 678, Industry of High Molecular Substances. Rubber industry. Plastic industry.
    • 687, Tailoring (apparel) Industry.
    • 745/749, Applied Art. Art Crafts. Interior. Design.
    • 658.512.23, Artistic design (industrial design).
  • Submission of a manuscript should be addressed to the Editorial Office via e-mail (; the paper should be written in Bulgarian from Bulgarian authors and in English (working language) for foreigners.
  • Copyright Transfer Agreement must be signed and returned to our Editorial Office by mail, fax or e-mail as soon as possible, after the preliminary acceptance of the manuscript. By signing this Agreement, the authors warrant that the entire work is original and unpublished, it is submitted only to this journal and all the text, data, Figures and Tables included in this work are original and unpublished and have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere in any from. Please note that the reviewing process begins as soon as we receive this document. In the case when the paper has already been presented at a conference, it can be published in our magazine only if it has not been published in generally available conference materials; in such case, it is necessary to give an appropriate statement placed in Editorial notes at the end of the article.

General style and layout

  • Volume of a manuscript submitted should not exceed 12 standard journal pages in single column (3600 characters page), including tables, figures and photographs. Format of the submitted file is MS Office Word (normal layout). The editors reserve the right to shorten the article if necessary as well as to alter the title.
  • Title of a manuscript should not exceed 120 characters.
  • Full names and surnames of the authors, as well as full names of the authors’ affiliation – faculty, department, university, institute, company, town and country should be clearly given. Corresponding author should be indicated, and their e-mail address provided.
  • Abstract of a manuscript should be in English and no longer than one page.
  • Key-words should be within 4-6 items.
  • For papers submitted in English (any other working language), the authors are requested to submit a copy with a title, abstract and key words in Bulgarian.
  • SI units should be used throughout.
  • Abbreviations should be used according to IUPAC and ISO standards and defined when first used.
  • Figures and illustrations with a title and legend should be numbered consecutively (with Arabic numerals) and must be referred in the text. Photographs should be numbered as Figures. Additionally, Figures should be integrated in the text with format JPG at 300 dpi minimum. Figures must be integrated in the text in editable form.
  • Tables with a title and optional legend should be numbered consecutively and must be referred in the text.
  • Acknowledgements may be included and should be placed after Conclusions and before References.
  • Footnotes should be avoided. When their use is absolutely necessary, they should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and appended at the end of the manuscript.
  • References (bibliography) should be cited consecutively in order of appearance in the text, using numbers in square brackets, according to the Vancouver system.

Reviewing procedure

The reviewing procedure for Textile and Garment Magazine is in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science and can be presented as follows:

  • Each paper submitted for publication is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers working in an institution different than the author’s affiliation. The identity of the author/authors is concealed from the reviewers and vice-versa (double-blind review). In the case of controversial opinions of the reviewers, next reviewers are selected.
  • A written review includes a clear conclusion of the article reviewed, concerning the conditions, which must be fulfilled in order to publish the article in Textile and Garment Magazine or a statement rejecting the article.
  • First author receives a set of reviews and next, following the reviewing procedure, is obliged to correct the paper according to the reviewers’ remarks or express his/her own opinion in writing.
  • The corrected article and author’s attitude are checked by the editors or by the same reviewers in case of any doubts. The Chairman of the Editorial Board takes by the Editor-in-Chief or, in extraordinary cases, the final decision regarding the publication of the article. If necessary, the authors are informed about the decision by e-mail.
  • The identity of the reviewers of the particular articles is not given to public information.

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